London is one of the Big 6 marathons that comprise the Abbott World Marathon Majors. After months of diligently following their individual training plans in all weathers, a group of CoSARC’s finest athletes will be representing Salisbury when they pound the streets of London on Sunday.
CoSARC runners, and their BIB numbers are :
James Mills BIB 4281
Petra Oyston BIB 23565
Katie Clements BIB 8976
Ruth Holloway
Charlotte Ingram BIB1387
Anna Patrickson BIB 9066
Heather Hitchens BIB 22558
Vicky Haselgrove (WISEMAN) BIB 4596
Matt Bosworth BIB 42367
Shaun Anthony Murray-Brown
Millie Braine (Mils Braine) BIB 22579
Catherine Morgan BIB 33619
Vic Martin
Esther Horwood
Zoe Lambard
Will Pannell BIB 1726
If you want to track the progress of any of the runners, download the app “2023 TCS London Marathon”, and search on their BIB numbers.
Harry Pannell will be CoSARC’s sole representative at the Vienna Marathon on Sunday. If you want to track his progress on the “Vienna City Marathon” app his BIB No. is 3660.
Three of CoSARC’s intrepid, long distance runners chose to cross the “pond” to take part in the famed Boston Marathon, another one of the Big 6. At the start the weather conditions were ideal for running. A couple of heavy showers during the race made the going tough for a while, but they all ran through the weather and pain. The crowds lining the route gave the runners amazing support the whole way round, which spurred them on to the finish. The route was undulating, with the famous Heartbreak Hill to overcome. The hill itself isn’t very steep, but it is nearly half-a-mile long, and has to be tackled after the runners have already run 20 miles. An unusual feature of the Boston Marathon is the amazing Wellesley College Scream Tunnel. Half way round the route weaves its way past the college grounds, where hundreds of students from the women’s college lined both sides of the route to give the runners enthusiastic and vociferous encouragement. The college students made hundreds of motivational posters to inspire and encourage the runners on to glory. The female students also doled out kisses to the runners, which probably affected their finishing times, but nobody complained !!!!
CoSARC runners and their finishing times were : Dave Gervais 3:24:15, Nick Hudson 3:25:00, Jake Stewart 5:15:25.
Link to Youtube video of Wellesley College Scream Tunnel :
Dave Gervais determinedly pounding his way to the finish.
Nick Hudson with his well deserved medal - and still smiling.
Jake Stewart happy to celebrate the finish.
READING Half-Marathon
On a beautiful day for running, with gentle breezes to cool the runners down, Tom Lay ran the Reading Half-Marathon. The runners had great support around the course from local people and supporters alike, as they crossed the finish line in the Madejski Stadium. Tom ran a superb race to finish in 2:43:54.
Tom Lay after his great run.